But global warming will lead to the next ice age. The ice caps will melt reducing the salinity of the oceans and reducing the effect of the oceans currents causing the average temps to fall because of the reduced effect of the warm coastal waters blah blah blah. No offense but I read that book too. The truth is statistics lie and liars use statistics and by he time this all happens we will all have perished wondering what if. No one really knows and the polar bears will be laughing at us as the are eating tuna off the coast off Florida and doing just fine because their white coat keeps them cool as it reflects the sunlight.
I whole heartedly believe we do need to reduce our carbon foot print because it just makes sense not to chit in your own bed. I also believe we are not the biggest offenders either. I think this country and it's neighbors are a lot cleaner than it was in the seventies and it's getting better. Much like eating healthier it is a life style change and it has become taboo to be dirty and a polluter. Things are getting better and much like we are seeing the results of years of abuse now we will see the benefits of today's changes in years to come.

I just don't think the sky is falling just yet.

Last edited by brinky72; 02/27/12.

Keep your powder dry and stay frosty my friends.