Originally Posted by gebuesch1
Originally Posted by Dom
At least DJV helped kill the Jagdsteuer in Bremen!!

I guess you mean the Waffensteuer? The DJV didn�t help alot with that. The DJV does not support legal gun ownership in a way like many hunters might think. Actually the DJV supports a ban of semi automatic rifles like AR10, AR15 etc. that look like military issued rifles.

I quit the memebership in one of the LJV some years ago. It was a great idea.

Yes, my mistake on the 'Jagdsteuer' -- brain thinking Waffensteuer and fingers type something else.

I am quite surprised that you don't support DJV and would rather they don't exist, kinda like a lot of Ami's who don't support NRA. You may not agree with everything they do, but I would hazard to say both the German hunter and American rifleman would be in much worse shape if nobody was standing up for them in the political arena. I'm sure there is much goes on behind doors that we will never hear about.

For those who think if an organization does not agree with 100% of what they want then they quit . . . which is impossible for an org to please 100% of the people 100% of the time . . . there's already serious discontent between sport shooters and hunters, each blaming the other. I don't know what the answer is, but I sure as hexx am glad DJV and NRA are visible and trying their best on the political level to keep this kind of BS in check.

Personally I don't like or want any 'black rifles', but that doesn't mean I don't support other responsible sportsman from being able to purchase and shoot them. The DJV may have stepped out of line on the issue to some hunters/sportsman, but that doesn't mean we should disown them. They have a lot of very worthwhile and constructive programs in schools, shooting, nature conservancy, etc as well.

If DJV disappeared, and then all your rights were chipped away and lost, and then along comes a Tax of 300 Euro per year per weapon, you may have wished you weren't so critical of them.
