Originally Posted by TWR
Interthem/oldman42/bosslady/etc./etc. has multiple personalities, insults everyone as the "voices" tell him to "take back this board" he's been screwing with everyone with his every post and this deal is about guns he claims to own and being called out so he calls 911 and has people arrested/questioned/detained/investigated and probably rubbed out cause he's so important.

And Bravo2zero thinks we're a bunch of bullies, all one has to do is look at his "show all posts" link in his profile to see who or what he is. He keeps getting banned by Ric, yet comes back with different usernames.

eh76, you forgot about swampman...

Greetings from the Great White North. I haven't been banned and not the "oldman"...but this IS entertaining

...love the betting stuff.