Originally Posted by butchlambert1
Originally Posted by Crow hunter

I would happily recommend Greg Tannel also.

I'm not sure I would given this level of "craftsmanship".

Originally Posted by elkhuntinguide
Don' know who makes the Gre-Tan assembly nor do I care... I do know that numerous assemblies which were purchased that don the name "Gre-Tan" would not screw in all the way into a Remington bolt...

They were about 1/8 of a turn shy from allowing the cocking piece to engage properly on the bolt... Returned the assemblies and received new "Gre-Tan" assemblies that out of 4 units one worked and three would not...

Bolt and Gre-Tan assembly were sent into Gre-Tan for proper fitting... One would think that the Shroud face would have been shaved down slightly to allow the assembly to be screwed in for the cocking piece to engage as it should... Instead the bolt was ground down and looks like schit...

I've purchased 6 assemblies from PT&G that are NOT Gre-Tan units and all work just fine...


Ground down bolt...

[Linked Image]

The Chosin Few November to December 1950, Korea.
I'm not one of the Chosin Few but no more remarkable group of Americans ever existed.