Anyone who will attend the 2012 Savage Fest. I need you to do the following soon as possible:

PM Rick99 with the following information.

1 Your name and the name you use on the Forum,

2 Are you bringing anyone with you, their name(s), relationship (wife, brother, friend...)

3 When you will arive, when you will leave.

4 Will you, your group, eat with use Friday evening?, Saturday noon, Saturday night?

5 Number of tables you want (no charge)"

6 A cell phone number in case we need to contact you at the last minute with changes.

I will make a badge for everyone attending. This will allow use to know who is in the building at all times."

Please answer all of the questions in the above order. It will save a lot of extra work. Thanks guys smile

Savage...never say "never".

Join the NRA...together we stand, divided we fall!