Originally Posted by rattler
Troy, at this point i would damn near give up my left nut to spend a month down there doing nothing but hunting, fishing and catching snakes and lizards.....my wife is afraid if i ever get to Oz, ill never leave laugh

George......since yah got him mounted as a reminder, interesting thing bout the prairie over the western diamondback is that drop for drop the prairies venom is more toxic......there are a fair number of subspecies in the prairie rattler complex and some of the others are some of the most deadly snakes in the US in venom toxicity.....but the good thing going for us is prairies usually arent a big snake so they dont pack as much venom as some of the other species so you normally have plenty of time to get to a doc so deaths are extremely uncommon.....

Having read your posts for some years I am fairly sure you will fit in fine here....now if you can just get rid of that abysmal accent.

These are my opinions, feel free to disagree.