Originally Posted by Birdwatcher
Speaking of drinking, you MUST also go to a roadside akpeteshie bar (after all, your driver will prob'ly be driking there too). All liquor is poison, akpeteshie (tranlates to "kill me quick") makes no bones about the fact.

The trick is, pretend its water and drink it like you were thirsty, that way by the time your body reacts it'll be too late. Try and sip it and you're lost. Dont worry either that some guy coughing his lungs out just used that same glass, the akpeteshie will take care of that.

For the REAL akpeteshie experience, ya gotta wake up in the dust of a village street with goats and chickens looking down at you curiously as they pass. But I doubt you'll have the time to delve that deep into the local culture grin

No wonder you find Keystone beer palatable. grin