My darling bride of 11 years, who has always been gun friendly and more-than-decent shot, finally took the plunge. Last week she registered for a CCW course. Over the weekend we had a fun range session and she absolutely loved shooting the Glock 19. Looks like we have to get her one of her own and join the range.

She took the CCW course yesterday, her first exposure to formal firearms training, and loved it, loved the people. Today, as we jumped in her Jeep for an errand she looked down at the floor and noticed a shiny object. She pointed and asked, "what's that?" My identification of the object as "a spent .22 casing that followed you home from the range, welcome to the gun culture" was met with a wide grin.

I knew I had a keeper when she wanted to go muskie fishing on our honeymoon. It just keeps getting better.

What part of "shall not be infringed" do you not understand?