I was listening to someone on a talk show that called in to talk about the cyclists who don't dope and retired early because they couldn't compete. There were at least two who were considered "challengers" to Armstrong.

While doping is rampant in the sport, its not fair to the ones that followed the rules that Armstrong is living a millionaires life and celebrity fame while they are working at a Starbucks.

Another issue is Greg LeMond, the Lance Armstrong before there was Armstrong who was basically ostracized for dogging Armstrong early in his career for doping. This is a guy that won the tour 3 times, the first non European to win it, twice after being shot in a hunting accident, and Armstrong shut him down on his allegations by using his influence to threaten sales of his line of bicycles.

In 2007 LeMond said "If you knew the Lance I know, then you'd agree with me that when he finishes up in cycling he won't have any friends" or something to that effect.

Last edited by KFWA; 10/24/12.

have you paid your dues, can you moan the blues, can you bend them guitar strings