thanks for posting it correctly. every structure within several hundreds of yards of the seawall break was just erased....washed away. a few hundred yards from the breach, a few brick buildings, mostly churches, survived as shells. most trees, boats people all washed away. hundreds died within a mile of where that Blessed Virgin sits.

here's a picture of the barge when it came to rest in what had been a neighborhood of wooden shotgun can get scale from the truck and schoolbus. it mowed down a few dozen houses and came to rest where you see it. the sudden rush of water from the canal.....where the water level was fifteen feet higher than the land behind the seawall, was like a bull dozer, exploding the weaker structures, picking up the stronger ones and carrying them for blocks, piling them like toys

and with all that water and metal and wood flying around, Mary serenely stands in her shell, praying for us sinners....literally in the hour of their deaths.

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