Originally Posted by DocRocket
Originally Posted by T_O_M
Originally Posted by DocRocket
, and this story of the hunters is a [bleep]' joke.

I get the distinct impression ya'll don't want to hear what I have to say, but I'd like to add something you may find interesting ... disgusting ... enlightening ... many other things perhaps.

Doc - here's the joke from the joker's mouth:

Nobody here ever "hunted" like this, right?


Please don't get me wrong... I don't have a dog in this hunt. Whether Bigfoot exists or doesn't, is something that I have no academic interest in. But unlike many of our Campfire compadres, I DO have more than a bit of academic scientific experience, and I've offered what my criticisms are of the "evidence" presented thus far. That's all.

So far the evidence seems extremely flimsy, and it wouldn't even begin to pass peer review. I've tried to point out some of the major inconsistencies in this evidence.

As an investigator, both in research science and in the forensic field, I have come to regard eyewitness reports as the least reliable form of evidence we have available to us. The video you posted is 48 minutes long. I watched 2 minutes and confirmed my suspicion that this is a video production based on nothing more than eyewitness reports, and I don't have time to watch a 48 minute video presented by people who have an obvious financial incentive in convincing you and me of their "theory".

As well, given the written report you posted earlier, the eyewitnesses aren't just witnesses, they're actually potential defendants, violators of game code at the very least and in my suspicious mind, probably something more. Sorry, I won't waste close to an hour of my time on such rubbish. I don't care enough about the existence, let alone what these people are prepared to say without being under oath.

You made it to two minutes? lol

Jed York does not own the 49ers; Russell Wilson does.