Both dogs were working a coyote and some joker comes flying down the road in his little race truck like he's in the Baja 1000. My cur's are goin full steam after this big coyote and run him right out across the road in front of the truck.

The jackass had plenty of time to slow down as the dogs were all clearly visible while heading across a big open flat toward the road. Maybe he was concentrating so much on his high speed driving that he didn't see them, either way my dog was concentrating so much on their high speed pursuit of that coyote that my dog didn't even miss a stride, and ran right smack out in front of that truck.

This was out in the sticks on a 2 track dirt road, and I hadn't seen anyone else all afternoon. Whats the luck in this happening..... really sucks.

Sucks to bury one of your best friends.

Last edited by dogkilr; 12/02/12.