There are many ways to display your buck's antlers. So, I thought it'd be fun to share ways to go about it.

Big or small, my family always takes the time to properly mount our antlers and put them on display. To us, every deer is a trophy. Some hang in the cabin, others in the "man cave", and yet others in the garage.

It's fun to look back over the years and remember each buck. Where it was taken. Who was there with us.

I'm always careful to provide details of the hunt on the back of the plaque. Using a sharpie or the like, I inscribe things like where the buck was killed, what rifle I used, and the date. The details of the hunt that time would easily errode from my memory.

This video shows a technique that my family and I have used for years to mount antlers. I put together a quick "how to" to share.


Please feel free to add any other way that you prefer to mount your antlers to this thread.

I'd be interested to see some pictures too, if you've got them! smile