Originally Posted by stevenautique
Originally Posted by Brad

So let me get this straight... you all think Europe is less restrictive, and has fewer social programs (including healthcare) than a place like South Carolina, USA?


Im laughing with you Brad. Europe vs SC. Europes healthcare and social programs are over the top. Cradle to grave mean anything to anyone.

Jeez, some of you guys have ideas that just don't mesh with reality.

Manufacturing has been moving out if the U.S. for decades, that shouldn't surprise anyone with a set of eyes. The reason is because IT'S EXPENSIVE to make stuff in the U.S., and it's about to get more expensive. Portugal's wages are half the U.S., and their corporate tax rate is 10% less than ours. Corporations don't give a schit about cradle to grave social programs or free health care, they care about profits. If Portugal gives free health care they don't care so long as they get to make more money. Many times it is cheaper to do business in Europe. For years Microsoft has distributed software from Ireland because its cheaper, they develop the software in California then run it through a server in Ireland & presto, it's a product of Ireland. They do this for the tax advantages. Just because a country is a welfare state it doesn't mean it costs more to do business there, they're separate things.

Have either of you two even been to Europe? It doesn't seem like you understand how things work to be frank.