JWP58-I'm a fiend for TFO (Temple Fork Outfitters) rods. I've got two of them now and think the absolute world of them. To me they're the F150 or 870 of the fly rod world.

They make a good starter kit as well. I helped a gal buy this set last winter for a present to herself and it worked very well.

Personally, I'd not worry about tying leaders/tippets or flys or any of that gack. You can buy that just fine to begin with. Find some good water and hopefully a friend from work or church or somewhere who will take you and help you get your feet wet...grin

Tons of excellent H20 in the Cowboy State. I'll be down there a few times in 2013 to flog the H20.

Best of luck to ya


"True respect starts with the way you treat others, and it is earned over a lifetime of demonstrating kindness, honor and dignity"....Tony Dungy