Originally Posted by snubbie
I think I read it on this forum, if I may paraphrase it was something to the effect of;

"It's not the guns they hate, it's what they represent. The people who own them and believe in the 2nd Amendment and what it stands for and why it was written.
That's the one thing which stands in the way of the advancement of their socialist ideals and agenda.
It's the people behind the guns and what they believe, that's what they fear and hate, rather than the guns themselves."

The anti-gunners constantly say gun owners are the ones burdened by fear, but it's clear to me the anti-gunners are the fearful ones.


"I was a deerhunter long before I was a man." ~Gene Wensel's Come November (2000)
"A vote is like a rifle; its usefulness depends upon the character of the user." ~Theodore Roosevelt