Originally Posted by Odessa
Spent three days on Currituck Sound the week before Christmas - some ducks but pretty spotty (shot three ducks in three days - a few parties got into them better and got two or three each). Heading to Arkansas in ten days for a three day hunt in timber and flooded fields - hope to get in a little more gunning there.

Hey Odessa,

Where in Arkansas are you going? I am heading to the Bayou Meto area south of Stuttgart next week. I spoke with a buddy out there today and he said that there is a lot of water out there and it is scattering the ducks. They have had great season until the last couple weeks. The recent rains have driven the birds to new areas. We are hoping that they return soon. It seems like we go through this ever few years. To date we have never had a blown hunt. Some years are surely better than others, but we have always done pretty well. Good luck out there and let me know how you do.
