On his Thursday program, MSNBC�s �The Last Word� host Lawrence O�Donnell said the Bible shouldn�t have any role in the upcoming Inauguration Day ceremonies.

The news that Passion City Church of Atlanta Pastor Louie Giglio lost the honor of giving the benediction at the inaugural ceremonies because he delivered anti-gay sermons, O�Donnell said, is a reminder of how much undue influence the Bible has in modern discourse.

�It turns out there is no better way for a pastor to get kicked out of the inauguration ceremony than quoting the Bible,� O�Donnell said. �That is what Louie Giglio, of Passion City Church in Atlanta, did to get knocked out of this year�s inauguration. His participation was announced at 9 a.m. on Tuesday by the Presidential Inaugural Committee. It took all of a day for something to surface in his Giglio�s sermonizing past that made him persona non grata at the swearing-in of a president who is in favor of gay rights, including marriage equality.�

A Doe walks out of the woods today and says, that is the last time I'm going to do that for Two Bucks.