The real lesson here is 1) They don't like hunting, so don't think they are going to protect any guns for "sporting purposes", they want them all and 2) We've gone from 10 rounds to 7 rounds (New York) and now to 6 rounds in a matter of 1 month. Anyone who thinks you are going to "compromise" with these folks is sadly mistaken.

They DON'T care about your right to self-defense. They DON'T care about hunting or target shooting(the next thing they'll tell us is that there are video games that allow shooting and hunting, why do we need the real thing??) ALL they care about is their power. Can you tell the difference between an American "citizen" (who can't be trusted with heavy machinery, healthcare decisions, or guns) or the average 14 year-old??? There's not much difference these days.

Now go play your video games or watch sports, smoke your "now legal" marijuana (but not tobacco!!!), and go screw your girlfriend (or boyfriend), and let the "adults" run things, ok??? This is a party that allows 325,000 potential human lives to be ended each year (abortion) without blinking an eye, but are willing to stomp all over the Constitution when a crazy man kills 20 kids. They'll set a rapist/pedophile/murderer free if his 4th amendment rights are violated (even by accident), but feel it's too "dangerous" to let law-abiding citizens have guns to protect their own lives.