Hi guys... I know this may be a bot off topic, but I reckon people
posting/reading here will be interested, as it's a chance to debate!

My name is Daniel Frings, I'm a psychology PhD student studying at
the University of Kent. I'm looking for people to take part in my
online study on how focus groups make decisions. We are particularly
interested in people's attitudes towards gun control laws.
Participants will be asked to interact with other online group members
then, after making a group decision, comment on the process. The study
will only take 10 minutes and everyone who completes it will be entered
into a raffle... There is one prize of $30 and two of $20 up for grabs!

If you wish to take part in the study simply click the link below....
(You may have to paste it into your browser)


Please forward this message on to anyone you know who may be interested
in taking part!

Thanks in advance

Daniel Frings

Daniel Frings
University of Kent
Department of Psychology
University of Kent
Kent, CT2 7NP
United Kingdom

E-Mail: djf5@kent.ac.uk
Telephone: +44 (0)1227 827821

Web Page:

Son of a liberal: " What did you do in the War On Terror, Daddy?"

Liberal father: " I fought the Americans, along with all the other liberals."