Originally Posted by CrimsonTide
I figure on calling today and signing Tide Jr. up for a Life Membership. What do I have to do in reference to a sponsor?

Just your name and address or your membership number, I guess. They asked me for that in the beginning of the call to see who they were talking to, but I didn't hear the word "sponsor" mentioned at all. I just called and told them I wanted to buy a Life Membership for a friend, gave them his name and address, birthday (optional), and which magazine he'd want --- then my credit card info and it's a done deal. He will get the Life Memeber card and stuff in 4 to 6 weeks because they are that far behind on processing stuff.

Nice lady on the phone --- she kept thanking me and I kept thanking her for what they are doing for all of us.

I saw a movie where only the military and the police had guns. It was called Schindler's List.