So Pete, you want to share some of that stuff you have stocked up on (or hoarded) like some would like to say. I don't need any but I am sure there are several who do need it so why don't you make it available to those less fortunate at the prices you paid for it so many years ago. I know there are many because I have seen their posts, but I have yet to see you offer up any as good will, You know,like neighbors. And as far as pennies on the dollar, you are contradicting yourself. Shouldn't you give the "fools" what they paid for it, how dare you pay less. Every foolish word that comes out of your mouth digs your hole deeper. Hence, the first thing to do when you find yourself in a hole is to stop digging.

Yes I buy from the classifieds. I spend way more than I sell. My theory: the more I buy used the less I spend with Companies, Countries and People who do not like the American Way. More people should buy at garage sales, flea markets,here, etc.