except as a signal of dire distress in instances of extreme danger to life or property.

Flat out communists stealing elections, international gun smuggling as a back door attack on BoR, regulatory agencies attacking those who exercise their rights clearly desiring rights be removed, inviting foreign nationals paying them to come then allow move about freely within borders behaving in complete disregard for laws enforced on Americans who belong here, abandon Americans to die on US soil, both here and abroad, at the hands of terrorists and foreign insurgent criminal organizations, and all the while blowing smoke up our arses telling all is A-Okay through their propaganda machine sounds like the next best thing to a shooting war to me.

Under the quoted from US code description above, yeah, it qualifies.


Flying the US flag upside down is no different to me than flying the good old don't tread on me flag. Very appropriate IMO.

One is a statement of fact.
The other is a warning.
I take both very seriously and agree whole heartedly.

If the commie [bleep] junkies do'nt like it, they can look the other way, but they better know this...
I"m watching them.


"When is penguin season, daddy? I wanna go kill a penguin!"
---- 4 yr old Archerhuntress