I saw those in a friend's basement some 50 years ago and his brother was in the BCFS. About 10 years later, while I was also in the BCFS, I worked with his brother and these had been phased out as they did not do too well in BC's typically "wet" climate.

Snow on a forest fire, yup, had it in June, July, August and always was VERY happy to see that happen! But, I have seen pretty bad wildfires from huge old Cedar stumps, lit by slashburning and buried under snow for the long winter and then, spring hot spell, some wind and whammo, burning like hell and a real shock to experience even before most of our Lookouts were up for the season.

Makes me kinda "misty" to remember those days, 20+ to almost 50 years ago, in detection and suppression for the BCFS and the Alberta Forest Service......tough, often lonely, VERY dangerous work and I would go back tomorrow.......