I was in a store I frequently shop at about a year ago when I saw several magazines for the somewhat rare Remington Model 77 the plastic stocked semi-auto action Rifle (circa 1970 to 1971)!
The magazines in the factory cardboard and bubble packing are 10 rounders and they looked somewhat familiar to me.
Well I thought about it for some time and took my Remington bolt action Model 581 (circa 1986 to 1999) on down to the shop with that Rifles 5 shot factory magazine!
Well low and behold after examination through the bubble pack and then after removing the magazine from its packaging (on the promise to buy it if it worked!) the 10 round Model 77 magazine fit and functioned perfectly!
I don't know why the Remington packaging for the Model 77 magazine did not mention that the magazine would also fit the Model 581 as well (and doubling the magazine capacity!)?
Anyway that store had three of the magazines and during my examination of the them another customer became interested in the tryout, as he owned a Model 581 Remington as well.
Anyway I relented and elet him buy one of the three magazines the store had for sale.
I thought I would never see another Model 77 factory magazine again - oh well I had the original five shot and now two ten shotters.
Low and behold this past week the same store got in two more of these Model 77 magazines and I opted to buy one more.
By the way the price for these magazines was/is $15.00.
Not bad for a ten round magazine these days.
They are made of heavy duty plastic but they sure work good.
Anyway anyone interested in doubling the magazine capacity of your Model 581 Remingtons be on the lookout for a factory Remington Model 77 magazine on your stores shelves.
Hold into the wind