Don't get too excited about this article guys. This is a scholarly journal article, written for my day-job as a university professor. I hope to publish it in an academic journal called ISLE: Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and Environment (if you were in the dentist office and there were only two magazines, one being ISLE, most of us would reach for the other one). It's probably a year away from completion, and then another year will be taken up in the submission and revision process. The wheels of academic journals grind very slowly.

When I retire in five years I intend to go back to writing for magazines that real people actually read (if magazines exist is five years); until then, my job requires writing that's a lot drier than I would like.

John--I spent some time at the Leopold shack and in his archives at the U of Wisconsin last fall. I agree, it is nicely preserved and well worth seeing.


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