Yes, I have, back in 1977. In the parking lot of a business I owned about dark one day, I came upon a fellow just as he pointed a rifle out of the passenger side window of his truck at my father. I pulled my pocket pistol and told him to drop it. He ducked, dropping his rifle just as I shot. I missed him, but put a .38 hole throgh his front and back windshild. Drug him out of his truck and beat the pure hell out of the SOB. He left the scene in an ambulance and spent three days in the hospital. Pointy toed cowboy boots will do a number on ribs and head. My father was able to live another 23 years only because I had my pistol with me and happened on the scene when I did. I am glad that I did not kill the SOB, but I would have been fully justified in doing so. What has bothered me was that I took a chance by yelling for him to drop his gun before me shooting. He could have shot my father before I shot, instead of ducking the split second before I did. Thank God it all worked out. My advice is when shooting is needed, then do it. Do not hesitate. Aviod the situation if at all possible, but if given no reasonable alternative, do not hesitate.

"...why, land is the only thing in the world worth working for, worth fighting for, worth dying for,... because it is the only thing that lasts."