Jeff Welsh, Chad Francis and I have started a not for profit called Generation III Gun. The purpose of the organization is to raise money for junior shooters to help offset costs for 3 gun matches. We will be holding a 3 day 3 Gun Championship event at the same location that the now defunct Ozark 3 Gun Championship has been held at for the past 3 years.

We wanted to get the word out about the match and the organization so that you could reserve a spot for our match on your 2014 match schedule. We will have a website set up with match registration info very soon.

One of the coolest things about this match is that Juniors will shoot for free!!!

Black Rain Ordnance has stepped up to be the title sponsor with a very generous prize donation for the prize table.

The plan is to have a 9-10 stage match on September 5-7th, 2014 using the popular half day shooting format.

I hope to see everyone out there!

Here is a link to the Generation III Gun Facebook page. Please hit the LIKE and SHARE button.
