There are two distinct boykin bloodlines. One stems from one dog and they tend to be very wire haired with long legs. Stay away from those! Hard headed and buck wild.

The others will make the best hunting dog you have ever seen.

Google boykin spaniel society and go to one of there recommended breeders. There is a second boykin group that pushed AKC recognition and standards. Stay with the boykin society breeders. Chris and Joni Bishop in Goose Creek SC are tops and I got a great dog from them that was a top hunter for 13 years. I am in the process of looking for another in 6 months when I retire.

FWIW The real Boykin spaniel society was established in 1977 and has a website since at least 1990. The other recommended breeder's website says they are the original boykin site and established in 1996. smile like I said two boykin groups fighting. IMO stay with boykin spaniel society breeders.

Last edited by BountyHunter; 11/28/13.