This should teach a lot of people a lesson but most will forget pretty quick. As it stands, ARs and mags are as cheap as you could hope for so anyone that doesn't purchase one (or more) now, shame on you later. The price for 22lr will come down and you should stock up on a consistent basis (along with rifle/pistol ammo) so you have enough for you and your family to plink until your fingers are raw from loading mags.

The problem is, most (liberal-at-heart) gun owners will buy a 4-5 bricks of 22lr along with some rifle/pistol ammo as soon as its available and then turn around and shoot most/all of it as time goes by without replenishing their supply. They'll also be the same ones crying a river when the next dry spell comes along and complaining about all the hoarders/scalpers. These prices are ridiculous but haven't been an issue for anyone with any degree of foresight IME.

I was in my 20s when the first AWB went though and that was a major eye-opener as to what may/may not be available down the road. Those that don't learn from the past are doomed to repeat it which gets pretty expensive and/or painful - also IME. I've done my share of learning the hard way on a lot of things but am getting better as I get older. I hope others are as well so they don't have to pay for their stupidity - again.

Biden's most truthful quote ever came during his first press conference, 03/25/21.
Drum roll please...... "I don't know, to be clear." and THAT is one promise he's kept!!!