Originally Posted by stoneriver
Alaska Lanche, the three piece belt is an option for those who prefer more lumbar pressure as the lumbar pad is adjustable. The current one piece belt will still be standard on all packs. There were no major changes to existing frame or packs, just additional options.


If I were to buy a Solo now, can I choose which belt I want, or it will come with the one piece belt and I would need to buy the three piece belt as an add on option?
I have the same question about the Power Pull System. Is it a standard feature of the new models or it need to be ordered separately?
And the same question applies to the movable-to-the-front load shelve... Standard feature in the new models or it has to be ordered separately.

Regarding the differences between both belts, the one pice and the three piece, which one would be better for what?

Thank you for your comments.
