Victorinox paring knife is a great little small game skinner.
Amazon has em for six bucks shipped.

Havalon's another good one but they're a little spendy.
They're folders too but the skeletonized frame makes clean up a snap.
I skin at home these days but I can see where they'd really shine skinning in the field.

Or my old favorite Russel Woods Walker but the prices have doubled since I bought my last one.
FWIW, that optional leather sheath fits perfectly in a pair of carpenter jeans if you cut the flap off.
Very handy!

The reconditioned packing house knives from MTP mentioned above are pretty hard to beat too.
Looks like they're on sale right now. Heck, you can get four for the price of one Woods Walker.

I added this Knives of Alaska Caper to my rotation this year.
I like the rubberized grip and blade design ALLOT but it's softer than my other D2 knives. Course soft steel sharpens easy so it's not a big deal. It's definitely a keeper.
[Linked Image]

There's lots of skinners out there and they all get the job done.
Just depends on what ya like but the ones I've listed above are good starting points.