Yes, Photoshop indeed DOES have a large learning curve. Then again, nothing has as many tools as that program has . . . you just have to learn the Adobe "logic." Until then, you'll be like I've been many times . . . feeling mighty "stoooooo-pid" when you get hung up occasionally.

That being said, Lightroom is entirely different and can kind of "screw up" long time PS users with its totally different "logic." LR is also pretty darn easy to learn though, so pretty soon you'll be doing some incredible post-processing work with LR.

They are totally different in layout and such, but interface extremely well together and you can bring the same image in and out of both programs to get the unique benefits of both! Pretty cool. Don't let LR scare you at all! Great tutorials for free too on youtube to help you solve those moments when you are scratching your head!