Thanks, very interesting.

Gleaned this

The Colorado Division of Wildlife attempted to eliminate CWD from the Fort Collins Foothills Wildlife Research Facility by treating the soil with chlorine, removing the treated soil, and applying an additional chlorine treatment before letting the facility remain vacant for more than a year. The effort was unsuccessful.

1967 CWD was first identified as a clinical disease in captive mule deer at the Colorado Division of Wildlife Foothills Wildlife Research Facility in Fort Collins, Colorado.

Again; almost appears to have been man made.

I believe bone was crushed, added to these nutrient blocks. For calcium I guess??

They started to figure out you can't feed meat to vegetarians, is what I heard.

I wonder if carcasses have to be burnt after death, or just buried?

Researchers found that prions are shed in the feces of early-stage CWD-infected deer.

Any idea what this means?

Son of a liberal: " What did you do in the War On Terror, Daddy?"

Liberal father: " I fought the Americans, along with all the other liberals."