Yea, there is much to regret here where I live. In the '60's, while in college, a friend and I legally shot right at 200 ring necks one season. 'Course every time it snowed we cut class which in retrospect was a bit much. But we had the 60's version of CRP then, Government Acres, and a lot of it. I even did my ecology paper on the pheasants' stomach contents. But the point is we saw Huns frequently though not in the cover like ring necks but out in open to semi-open stubble. We never shot many of these birds but they were an occasional bonus. I was always amazed how apparently tough they were as in a blizzard the covey would form a tightly grouped mass right in the open. Pheasants would be under the snow in the thickest cover available.

Now most CRP contracts are up or been canceled and the ring necks are few and far between and as I mentioned I haven't seen the beautiful little Huns in years.