Well think about it for a second,

If you have asshats like that in those regions voting in Leftists that continue making laws against humanity and offering free bees whilst raising taxes on the hard working Americans then you deserve to get those type laws passed.

The fact of the matter is, people get tired of all the hoopla and high taxes and move out of state to a "better" state. Well then they continue to vote the same way and next thing they know the same laws are passed and they can't understand why their new domicile is just like what they left. Well maybe if they stay in their original area and sit in the cesspool they voted in then maybe they'll start to change their minds!

Not saying anyone here is a Leftist - Socialist - Libertarian, just stating the truth and why I choose not to live there and why I vote the way I do.

All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent.