You can always simply shoot only the amount you'd like, but if you are any kind of "Shotgun Loony", it'll be very hard to control yourself in such a target-rich environment.

I've been there twice and have really enjoyed it. The first hunt involved Doves, Pigeons, Ducks as well as all the Parakeets you can smoke. The second was primarily Doves. Lots of Frickin' Doves.

If you can shoot and are used to shooting a lot, you'll easily kill 1000 birds in the morning and 1000 birds in the afternoon. In one day I killed close to 3000 total and that's really not balls to the wall Dawn to Dusk hammering.

Food is outstanding, at least with the outfit we used; Trek Safaris, H&H Outfitters

I recommend Guayascate Lodge . It's the only 6 Star Lodge in Argentina. Food and accommodations are awesome.

A couple of friends and I in Argentina giving the prototype Maxus a complete workout:


Originally Posted by Bristoe
The people wringing their hands over Trump's rhetoric don't know what time it is in America.