The Remingtons are normally quite a bit lighter than the Brownings and easier to carry around while hunting.
Part of the issue with the persona of using a semi-auto for hunting is internet oppinion that anyone who uses them is a doofus who must use see thrus and cheap scopes.
While some do I have also seen the same from bolt rifle users.
A semi auto can use a nice scope and mounts just like any rifle can.
However,that being said I bet many deer have been killed with see thru mounts and a cheap 4x scope!Whether mounted on a semi auto or a bolt gun !
SOME gun looneys get a holier than thou attitude that unless someone uses what THEY use the others are wrong.
Somewhat similiar to the attitude I got from other hunters when I was using a handgun to deer hunt instead of a rifle.
When someone post a question about semi-autos invariably there has to be someone who makes a snide remark to the effect of the person is goofy if they consider a semi auto as a viable hunting tool.
Internett hunting wisdom being passed down .....
Who cares IF a hunter is using a semi auto and a cheap 4x scope ? IF it works for the hunter thats all that counts.
When I started hunting over 40 years ago the majority of deer hunters used a Lever action or a semi auto rifle (usally 30-06)or a shotgun.
Never even seen a bolt rifle with the exception of the occassional military rifle.
Guess what they all did the job and killed deer.
So enough of the snide comments about semi autos.
IF you dont like em the nobody is twisting your arm to use one !
But there is no ADULT reason to make remarks and implications to the people that do.
some of yall need to Get on the ground and do your hunting off your feet instead of hunting off your HIGH HORSE.

Faster horses,Younger women,Older Whiskey,More money