Well, you need four sources of power, a generator, batteries windmill and solar panels. You set it up to charge your storage batteries and the batteries powers your home. How big a system you will need will depend where you are and how big your home is going to be? The place I lived in when I worked in AK, was set up that way. but it was a 180sf cabin- that was purposely built to not need much to heat, I heated with wood. The Battery house had just six lead acid batteries and it ran the place well most weeks the generator would run for maybe 4 to 6 hours in Winter and maybe 2 hours in summer. Making your own power is not cheap on a KWH basis. There are people that build these sort of systems. Plan on spending some money.

"Any idiot can face a crisis,it's the day-to-day living that wears you out."

Anton Chekhov