Originally Posted by APDDSN0864
Originally Posted by HugAJackass
Ed, just an fyi..
Many Linux distro's are plug and play. Even more so than either Windows or Mac.
Man, I still am sore about missing the fun at your place my friend. I really really wanted to make that.


But who, outside of folks who have techie friends, knows that? I mean, there is NO mainstream advertising to get the word out to the general public that Linux exists, what it is, what the advantages are, what it costs, or how easy it is to install and make it work.

So, for the great, unwashed masses, it isn't "plug-n-play", it's geek stuff.
As I posted above, most are not inclined to look at anything else, mostly out of ignorance. Buy the box, plug it in, and head for the "Interweb".

You really SHOULD come out this way. Doesn't have to be an "O-fishul Gathering".


Your point is valid. You're not going to see a box for Ubuntu on the Store Shelf.

After I get back on my feet with the job, I'll send ya a PM about making the trip. smile

"Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other." - John Adams

Turdlike, by default.