I seen the same sort of thing during the White Fly hatch in late summer. one of the most exciting times I ever had fly casting for trout was a year when there was an over abundance of hoppers. For about a month, I had some of the easiest lazy dry fly fishing of my life. Only time I changed flies was when the current hopper fell apart - it would take around 40 or so fish to do and that is a good day in most places. Those sort of times on a stream are few and far between. I can count maybe six such days in 51 years of fly casting for trout and such. I seen some really interesting things while fishing. My most memorable was a fall day and a 12 point buck stood above a pool I was fishing- I was catching trout and he just stood there watching me for a good 20 min before taking another drink and moving on his way.

"Any idiot can face a crisis,it's the day-to-day living that wears you out."

Anton Chekhov