Originally Posted by HugAJackass
Taken from the Navada State Constitution.

Third. That the people inhabiting said territory do agree and declare, that they forever disclaim all right and title to the unappropriated public lands lying within said territory, and that the same shall be and remain at the sole and entire disposition of the United States; and that lands belonging to citizens of the United States, residing without the said state, shall never be taxed higher than the land belonging to the residents thereof; and that no taxes shall be imposed by said state on lands or property therein belonging to, or which may hereafter be purchased by, the United States, unless otherwise provided by the congress of the United States.

Those words are unchanged since 1864, before Bundy's family came on the scene. It was ratified again in 1953,1956, and most recently 1995.
What's required to make that valid law is an amendment to the United States Constitution authorizing it to acquire and hold title to lands not meeting the specifications laid out in Section 8 of Article I. Short of that, it's null and void, since it was already established law that all states entering the Union since the founding of the nation possess the same rights as those preexisting it, i.e., states are powerless to alienate from themselves said rights, one of which is sovereignty over the lands within their borders.