Originally Posted by Mackay_Sagebrush
People are not at all up to speed on our founding fathers...

They utilized private contractors regularly.

The cool old Ben Franklin, whom ultra conservatives love to regularly quote, owned hos own private military, the "privateers".

George Washington and the Royal American Regiment were professional private military contractors.

Many ultra conservative and ultra patriotic individuals retire from special operations and continue their service and application of their very well honed special skill sets by doing contract work for our government.


What the Founders worried, as do I, most about was a government monopoly on arms and men under arms. Military contractors add a degree of separation from that government monopoly without sacrificing their capabilities for our defense needs. We need to do more not less by contract.

That said, after having just seen some hired by BLM abuse the persons and rights of Americans; I suggest that we need to proscribe their use within the USA and hold off a bit on fitting any halos.