One of the better things you can do is arrive on Wednesday if the season begins on Sat. Don't just pull them out of the trailer, go to packing and take off.

We set up camp near the truck Wed. Then Thursday we saddle up and do some riding and again on Friday. Not far,4-5 miles maybe. This gets them use to the trails they will be on, smells, sights etc. in daylight.

Load them up with what you will have on your saddle, bags, scabbard, canteen, etc. Get it all situated so you are not fussing around opening morning.

Then on opening day they are not so spooky when every one is rushing around getting to ride out and they are nervous and excited. The horses pick up on that and get jittery too.

My mules have been in every elk camp for 14-15 in most cases and I still do that.

I can't begin to count on how many times I see guys pull up of Friday night, go to sleep and then opening day they get the animals all spooky and it ends up in a rodeo or wreck a few hundred yards up the trail.

Last edited by saddlesore; 04/24/14.

If God wanted you to walk and carry things on your back, He would not have invented stirrups and pack saddles