Just sharing my local folkloric heritage across the oceans

Kind of event happening every week-end, from may to september, in one village or another around here. Gerpinnes' Ste Rolende Pentecote March is one of the biggest, gathering more than 4000 'soldiers'. I took some mood pictures during the event.


Unfortunately we had to break through two rain & thunder storms during the same day, first one was especially violent and the worst I had to face out of a Building :P and the companies were less beautiful, but we made it to the end.

Uniforms are mostly of napolenic origin or folkloric uniforms derivated from 1st, 2d empire and early belgian army uniforms, but the tradition actually comes and lives from the end of the middle age.

Our tradition is know granted by UNESCO as part of the mankind's intangible cultural heritage: http://www.unesco.org/culture/ich/index.php?lg=en&pg=00011&RL=00670

Last edited by grand_veneur; 06/10/14.

Va t'in tch�re !