Me and my son (Logan) met up w/some friends of mine off Pensacola Beach yesterday for my 2nd offshore trip in the yak. My 1st drop w/ a frozen cig had my pole doubled over!!! I was excited to say the least (it would have been my 1st offshore yak fish)!!! I battled what ever it was fer about 7 minutes. Finally tightened the drag and was gaining line, the joker was slow moving on the bottom so shark or ray...all of a sudden Snap/Crackle/Pop goes my pole!!! Line broke shortly afterwards. That had me ready and I wasn't even wearing 1 of my lucky shirts!!! Shortly there after me and Logan started reeling in the snaps! I had a nice un probably 22-23 inches in my lap and was making the transition from lap to cooler and while turning PLOP goes my rod and reel so a split second decision of fish or rod and the rod won!!! Snap goes over fer another day! Everyone was hooking up and flipper ate pretty good since we couldn't keep them jokers away!!! I ran outta bait so tried to use a plastic....I was trying and trying and got 1 small bite and a few followed up but didn't commit... Me and Logan were HUNGRY so we cut out before the group left and I chunked the plastic out to troll it in....I hadn't paddled 10 feet and the rod doubled over!!! I was hoping fer a king but no such was about a 21 inch snap! Biggest snap was 24 and I caught a nice little lane. Awesome time fer some good eats....shoulders are wore out from paddling sooooo much yesterday....

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