Originally Posted by northwestalaska
Border Sheriffs Perplexed by Rick Perry's Plan to Send 1,000 Troops to Stare at Mexico

Why would you spend millions of dollars sending troops to the border who can't actually detain anyone? That's what some Texas sheriffs of border towns are asking in the wake of Gov. Rick Perry's plan to send 1,000 National Guards members to the Texas/Mexico border in the next month, according to the Dallas Morning News. For them, it would be more useful to spend the money on hiring more deputies and police, aka people who are allowed to detain migrants.

But...Rick Perry looks very Presidential along with his new glasses!

Bring in the Clowns!

So far we know Obama instigated this mess, but tell us what he has actually done to alleviate the mess he created? NOTHING, well, fund raising.

Now it was my understanding the the Guard was to take over for the Border Patrol who are stuck in the rear changing diapers and doing paperwork, and free the BP to get back out on to the border where they are qualified to do their job...get it now ace?