Originally Posted by Penobscot_99
So you have your NewYork city and Upstate with Italian and Jewish extract politicians, clean as the driven snow.
I feel a kindred soul, since I have Chicago and Downstate with Irish and Jewish politicos, where a judge behind closed doors ruled that former mayor "shortshanks" Richard M. Daley is too sick to testify in a corruption case.
Daley's testimony would have been "priceless" - "I don't remember nuttin, judge...heh hehhe haa, shnorf, guffaw, hee hee, shnorf...."

Politicians of any description who are "as pure as driven snow" are as rare as vegetarian crocodiles. The demorats however have raised (lowered??) the standard to an co-ordinated "industry wide" program,

Be afraid,be VERY VERY afraid
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