Originally Posted by eh76

Fuel mileage in my 1996 F250 Crew cab sucks but the truck is paid for. Hunting pards and I share fuel expenses so it is tolerable.

Don't need the added expense of a new truck payment, taxes, license plates and higher insurance rates ..so nope

Good luck in your endeavor though.

I agree with Keith and I don't have a really big truck, a Dodge Ram 1500, but got a good deal on it in O's first year in office. It's also paid for and has a 106k on it- but I'm shooting for 200+ k. Mileage is pretty weak at 15-16 mpg "around town" to 19 after two hours on the interstate.
I think vehicles are money pits almost without a bottom, but within reason, once one's paid for, IMO it's best to service it, fix it, and drive it, unless the economical +'s of moving ahead are obvious.
But, "within reason" for you may differ.