Originally Posted by Robert_White
What are y'all loading for meltdown day?

I wouldn't load anything in 6.8 for a "meltdown".

Originally Posted by Robert_White
I am still mulling over the virtues and vices of the 6.8

No offense RW, seriously. But it seems like you're chasing your tail here. First the 7.62 (which you're having problems with) and now a 6.8.

If you wanna get 6.8 for the heck of it, that's reason enough. But don't stress out, just buy it and enjoy it.

But if you wanna get an AR platform and be proficient with it, build a proper 16" mid length, 2K rounds of ammo and get serious about training yourself to shoot.

I've seen this same scenario play out with friends.....They obsess over the minutia of every detail in an AR and optic and chambering. And then a guy with a decent 5.56 and irons shoots circles around them.


Everybody has different goals. If your goal is to own a 6.8, go for it. If your goal is to be proficient with an AR in your hands, buy one good 5.56 and learn to hit with it.

Originally Posted by SBTCO
your flippant remarks which you so adeptly sling